czwartek, 27 grudnia 2012

Linux ubuntu must restart

During my stay at home I use my personnal laptop with installed Ubuntu.
However as I do not use it often I need to update a lot of packages from my old version 11.11 LTS. Here it is what happened to it when I made the most important package update:

As you see not only Windows needs to restart :-). It happened also non-Window system.
 So here falls old myth about Linux.

poniedziałek, 3 grudnia 2012

 Po ostatnim doświadczeniu w pracy postanowiłem stworzyć taki poll. Zastanwiam się czy umieścić go w firmie i powiadomić kogo trzeba, aby zagłosował. Hmm

If PM fails to deliver project on time he should :
admit it and quit a job
get immediately fired when everything is back on track
promoted to higher position where he can continue his work
moved to other position or role so nobody will notice
be feed to the lions so that person makes no mistake ever again
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